Thursday, January 1, 2009

Japanese Shortbread? Hai!

I am heading to AJ's New Year's Day party today, with a Japanese American menu. I thought this would be a great opportunity to try out Martha's Green Tea Shortbread recipe. I used vegan margarine in place of butter, and my little star-shaped cookies turned out pretty cute. They have a mild earthy flavor and a fun green color, and I think they will taste quite yummy with a little cup of tea.

I couldn't help myself and made half of the batch into plain shortbread. I dipped them in melted dark chocolate and added some candied ginger, which is an idea I stole from a delicious heart-shaped cookie I recently enjoyed at Cafe Vita.

Akemashite omedeto gozaimasu!


Lowell said...

A triumph!

Mama Teresa, The Saint of Clutter-Free Living said...

So this is what you've been baking lately! I didn't know you had a blog until just now! Luuuuv it!