Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hallelujah! Spring Comes to Seattle

Hark! What's this? It's Mount Rainier!

Oh, where have you been all winter, friend?

Weather in the mid-sixties, sunshine, and a weekend are the perfect feel-good formula for a city that's plum tired of winter. It has been a long one. And while that whole "snowed in for a week" thing for Christmas was a hootenanny, I cannot wait for more of the lovely weather we had in Seattle last weekend.

Our walk took us from below Pioneer Square up Western to the spice store, where we got some delicious Ethiopian spice mix. From there we walked up to the Market, where I posed the following question to Michael:

"Beer or an ice cream?"

He should have said both, but in the end he chose beer so we walked up Virginia to the Virginia Inn. All the outdoor tables were taken, but Le Pichet next door had a free spot.

Michael got a bottle (yes) of Kronenbourg and I chose red wine of course. For a snack we had une baguette avec du beurre et du confiture.

Le Pichet is one of my favorites for dinners on the fancy side. Who knew it was so lovely for a snack?

Afterwards, we walked up to the sculpture park, and then back downtown via the waterfront. What views!

We could not have stayed indoors if we wanted to. I never knew I could be so desperate for sunshine.

1 comment:

Lowell said...

yumski = beer + french bread + marmalade + warm day