Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pies & Pints with My Peeps

I love that I can hop on the bus and get myself to our favorite neighborhood pubski, Pies & Pints, and meet up with my peeps after work. Always a good place for a drink, Pies & Pints is best for food in winter. Though salads are included on the menu, and portion sizes are reasonable, this is hearty winter comfort food. And they serve up a very good Guinness.

Tonight I had the mac n cheese of the day: bleu cheese and apple. It was mild and yummy, with the usual breadcrumb and fresh basil topping, and the beer cheese sauce base. P&P's mac n cheese isn't as creamy as I like, but the flavor is always very yummy. I couldn't finish it, but my peeps helped me out.

The fries I snatched from HP's plate were very good, and she said that her pint of Fat Tire was delicious! This was before Michael launched into Draft Beer vs. Bottled Beer 101. It's handy to have a nerdski homebrewer and beer snob at my beck and call.

Michael tried the lamb and potato pie, which I just now realize I forgot to taste. Stupid, Jean! Oh well, we'll be back there soon.


Payne said...

Thank you Michael for Beer 101. And, am I the beer snob?!?! If so, that is ok.... but I like beer baby better.
That is all.
HP :)

Lowell said...

The Lamb+Potato was very tasty. If you like lamb I would highly recommend it.