Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Green Chiles!

Everything I ever learned about green chiles I learned from Emilee.

The first time I visited New Mexico I received an orientation packet from her, which I cannot seem to find. Too bad, because it was incredibly informative about the New Mexican cuisine. I learned about being asked "Red or green?" and I learned about sopapillas. (I also received an official Blaze of Glory tshirt, which is still in my closet, but that is another story altogether.)

Tonight, hundreds of miles from Santa Fe, I bought some fresh roasted green chiles. They were still warm when I got them home!

Ok, I admit. It was a sad little ziplock baggie full, from one pathetic tumbler/roaster thingie set up in the street in front of Whole Foods. But they are delicious!

I still have a ton, but tonight I mixed some of them (in my new food processor) with some goat cheese and cream cheese and spread it on whole wheat tortillas. Rollups for lunch tomorrow! I'm the best Mom ever--to myself! If only I could find a way to make them heart-shaped...

And, if only I were having sopapillas and margaritas with Emilee right now.

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